Friday, November 27, 2009

Lazy days.

Lazy days make for some of the best days - I think. I've been hanging around the house with my little man lately, with lens in tow. I've noticed now, how intrigued he is by the camera and how he is beginning to play it up. When he sees me go to shoot - he already knows to smile !

I'm lucky that I am able to have such a connection with him through my lens - I really believe that's why my images come off as captivating as they are - for an aspiring professional !

Lately I've been feeling the guilty bug - work? play? work? play?
Nate is beginning to develop all kinds of new skills and has become so engaging that I don't want to miss a thing. I want to spend every moment with him. It makes me wonder how on earth my mother and my aunt were ever able to recover from their kids ' growing up'. :)

The simple things in life really is, what happiness is all about.
December 25th is around the corner and I am so excited for Nate's first Christmas !
I love Christmas - candles, ornaments, cutting down the tree, Christmas lights and the smell of cedar- oh, the beauty that is December.
It's yet to snow here - and I mean - a real snowfall. I'm anxious for Nate to look out the window and wonder what's going on outside. And of course - I'll have my camera. :)

And....btw, the new me has arrived ! My website is finally done and is up and running. I am quite proud of myself - and I thank my husband mostly- for all his support and belief in me. - A quick link is at the top of this page.

Enjoy - here are some of my latest shots.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Baby A.

Baby A was the sweetest little thing !

This past weekend, I had the lovely pleasure of photographing Baby A - the daughter of a longtime friend.
Baby A was a whopping 7 days old. :)
I was so thrilled that I was finally able to use my green crock bowl ! She was a perfect fit for it, swaddled beautifully in my Tabitha FJ wrap. I love those wraps.
The lighting was great for this on-location shoot and I was pleased with the resulting shots.
We had the sling shot on the agenda - but didn't manage to squeeze it in - but no worries, I'll get it next time ! I must say - I think that the picture of R and her little girl is one of my favorite shots to date.
Thanks B & R and Baby A !

Monday, November 23, 2009

A day at Springbank Park.

Light and my lens, fresh air and my little one - things that make for a beautiful day.

A couple weeks ago, my husband and I took our little one to the park with our bulldog. I managed to snap some great shots of him being all independent while sitting on a stump - with no help from us ! ( my husband was the spotter )
He also sat in the swing for the very first time and boy, did he ever love it !

I can't stop taking pictures of my little man. Enjoy !

Monday, November 9, 2009

He's finally here !

Baby C has arrived !

Dear friends of ours have just had a beautiful baby boy and I had great pleasure in spending a couple of hours with him and my lens, last week. Baby C at 7 days old. 
I could've burst with excitement - everyone has been anxiously awaiting this little one's arrival.

He is such a sweet little man too, with a great attitude - he was a real tropper for me!
I absolutely love the shot of him giving me a little grin - telling me that he was doin' just fine. And my what a great head of hair he has !
I did try the sleeping monkey pose, as I call it. I think it's pretty good -for my first attempt.

When I arrived home- I did manage to make a list of things that I had learned from the shoot - I was thrilled that our friends gave me the opportunity to snap some great shots of this little fella. He was awake for the majority of the shoot - which made it troublesome to get some of those oh-so sweet poses- but I was still very pleased with the resulting images!
Thanks again Baby C !

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween !

So this was my munchkin's first Halloween - and what an adorable chicken he was !
My hubby and I had so much fun with him, and I must say, he surrendered his efforts to get out of the costume and managed to stay a cute little chick all night! I love seeing the world through the eyes of my son. 

I'm here !

Well, I'm officially here - I'm blogging !

Now - you'll have to cut me some slack if something seems out of order or not in line with other bloggers - but I'm new to this and I assume that there's a learning curve- albeit a short one.

Well, I didn't go back to photography school like I had hoped to do a couple years ago ( I got married and had a baby boy ) so in deciding that now was a great time to get serious about it again, I attended a great workshop this past month with Amber Shereen, Ottawa's premier newborn, maternity and child photographer. We had 2 wonderful 12 day old little girls to model for us who were two tough little nuts to crack, but we did eventually manage to get some good shots. I learned a lot from Amber and would like to give her a shout out on her tremendous success and all that jazz ! Thanks for all your help Amber !

Check out her blog at

So I'm editing my website and I'm having so much fun being my very own boss!
I love the flexibility in being able to walk away from the computer to make my little man smile, feed him or read to him - the list of activities goes on and on. I'm no computer genius, although, I must say that I'm getting the hang of all this biz type stuff, and looking mighty professional at it too. - coming soon !

My very good friends have just had a boy - Baby "C" and we are so thrilled that he is finally here! I am looking so very forward to my session with him and his beautiful momma this coming week. I have so many ideas for our shoot - check back for pics of Baby "C" in a couple weeks.

In the meantime, here's a sneak peak at some of my recent work that you'll find on my website.
Kimberly Dunbar Photography to launch in January 2010 ! 

Customers will receive a complimentary 8x10 print for any session booked from now until the end of the year.  

In the meantime - I am available for sessions through referrals from friends and family who will receive portfolio building pricing. Inquire for more details. 

More to come !

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